Why The Arnold Split Will Blow Up Your Physique | Alpha Pharm Canada

Why The Arnold Split Will Blow Up Your Physique

To grow a great physique, it’s important that you follow a proper nutrition protocol, optimize recovery, and follow an effective training split. As a 7-time Mr. Olympia winner, Arnold Schwarzenegger popularized one of the most used training splits of this generation and proved that it was a highly-effective method — the Arnold split. The Arnold split is a 6 day on, 1 day off a week training split, consisting of 3 different workouts repeated twice throughout the week. This popular training protocol focuses on progressive overload and musculature development by utilizing shortened rest times, superset workouts, and training antagonist muscles together in order to bang out more volume & intensity. Running Deca, MK-677, or Superman during the Arnold split can ensure maximum muscle growth with a strong, lean, and vascular aesthetic. If you’re looking for a golden-era like physique and want to reach a new level of physique & strength, keep scrolling as we discuss more about the Arnold split and how it can blow up your muscles in no time.


How do I workout on the Arnold split?

The Arnold split is a high volume training split that includes 6 Arnold Schwarzenegger's Diet and Workout Plan | Man of Manyintense workout days, with one well-deserved day of rest at the end of the week. It’s important to follow a strict training schedule while on this workout regimen, to ensure that each muscle group is being stimulated twice per week minimum. On the Arnold split, your workout week will look something like this:

Monday: Chest and Back
Tuesday: Arms and Shoulders
Wednesday: Legs, Abs, and any lagging body parts
Thursday: Chest and Back
Friday: Arms and Shoulders
Saturday: Legs, Abs, and any lagging body parts
Sunday: Rest

And then repeat! During your workouts, you should ensure that you are giving maximum intensity to see the most results. S4 is a SARM that boosts recovery, sheds off fat and increases muscle growth, meaning that if taken while doing the Arnold split, results will be substantially better physically, mentally, and visually. Limiting rest times and performing supersets are crucial during this protocol since workouts include antagonist muscle groups. Including antagonist muscle groups in each workout means that while you are training one muscle (chest on the bench press, for example), it’s antagonist muscle (back, in this circumstance) is resting so when it’s time for it’s next set (which could be a bent-over row for the back), it’s prepared to deliver maximum intensity and strength output.


Why are supersets so important during this split? Will they give me more gains?

Supersets are a super interesting training method because they’re useful for tons of circumstances. For starters: time management. When performing supersets, you are essentially performing two workouts in one with very minimal rest — meaning instead of two 15 minute exercises, there’ll only be one 15 minute exercise. They’re great if you’re in a time crunch, or for Arnold’s reasoning: if you want to bang out a crap load of volume for juicier gains. Supersetting your workouts can also mean a better pump (if your intensity is still up to par)! Stimulating sarcoplasmic hypertrophy (when your muscles swell up full of blood, glycogen, and water) is another type of muscle growth that occurs during high-rep and pump training, and can often occur during supersets because of the ridiculous amount of blood flow that they require. To better stimulate sarcoplasmic hypertrophy while performing supersets, check out Trenbolone Acetate or Sustanon and if you need help on your first cycle, check out this blog or contact the Alpha Pharm team!


How do I get the most gains out of the Arnold split?

To get the most bang for your buck during the Arnold split, you’ll want to make sure ticking off a few boxes on the checklist. Firstly, the Arnold split requires smart exercise programming and optimal recovery. Since muscle growth is the most desired outcome from this training split, it’s important to make sure that with proper volume, sets, reps, and intensity, you’re also getting proper recovery so that your muscles have time and fuel to build back larger and stronger. Dianabol and Testosterone Enanthate were anabolics that Arnold actually used back in his prime, so why aren’t you trying them right now? Make sure to check out our anabolics for more options that will help you get the most gains out of this split, by boosting recovery and enhancing muscle growth.


For more fitness, nutrition, and recovery tips just like this, check out our Alpha Pharm Blog and contact us now if you have any anabolic questions.

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