Harm And Side Effects Of Anabolic Steroids | Alpha Pharm Canada

Harm And Side Effects Of Anabolic Steroids

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Harm And Side Effects Of Anabolic Steroids

Anabolic steroids are drugs that are synthetic copies of the hormone testosterone. They help to build muscle, make you stronger and tougher. For this reason, the use of anabolic steroids was widespread in bodybuilders.

It should be noted that initially, steroids were invented for treatment. Them used and used for more rapid bone healing in fractures, for increasing body mass dystrophy, General weakening of the body and in the other cases. Effect builds muscle like not only the doctors, but also the bodybuilders who literally fought his body for every gram. And part of our everyday life on steroids.

If You ever read the annotations to the drug, even to the same “Citramon”, then just know about the “side effects”. Not without most of these actions and steroids. Of course, many say that if you take the drug, it will not affect the body’s work of the body. But muscle when using anabolic steroids begins to grow, right? It means that the body responds to them. Therefore, in the future, he will have either to forget or to not have them as a Supplement to the muscles, and as a medicine. And this is not a joke.

How Anabolic Steroids Affect A Person?

That you knew exactly what to expect from taking anabolic steroids, just review the material presented below.

1. The Decrease In Testosterone, Endurance

If You start taking artificial testosterone, Your endocrine system gives a signal to the body that this hormone is too much. It is no longer being produced, and You are hoisted to the eternal needle. Of course, testosterone can be restored, but it is a very long and complicated process.

2. Gynecomastia

This increase in breast cancer. Breast men are not “swinging”, and just droops. This disease is also treatable, but in some cases pills are not enough, you need surgery.

3. Damage To The Liver

If You have, so to speak, a weak liver, then the anabolic steroids is better not to think. They very negatively affect this body, especially drugs in tablets. Destruction happens quickly, and restoring the body fully is extremely hard, if not impossible.

4. Depression

When taking steroids is addictive. That is, the body gets used to the intake of the hormone and stops working. If you take the drug for a while and then abruptly stop doing it, You will notice that you become less active. The mass will cease to grow and may even start to decrease, hormones will be missed, resulting in You will have depression, which can lead to depression and other nervous disorders.

5. Acne

If they are taking steroids often have pimples on the face and body, especially in men. The fact that the skin begins to secrete more sebaceous acids, which leads to such skin diseases.

6. Virilization

It’s a side effect of steroids applied to girls who are engaged in bodybuilding and taking anabolic steroids. Virilization is the appearance of the female secondary sexual characteristics of men. For example, begin to grow hair on the face and body, acne appears, the voice coarse. In some cases, they can even begin to develop male genitals. So, dear women, be very careful with steroids.

7. Stop growth

Up to 25 years to take steroids are unsafe, as the organism grows, forming all its systems. The disruption of this process can lead to stunting or impotence at an early age.

In addition, drugs are other side effects:

  • Increase of level of cholesterol;
  • Increase in blood pressure;
  • The malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • Cramps; headaches;
  • Decrease in sexual desire.

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