How Much Protein You Need to Eat to Build Muscle | Alpha Pharm Canada

How Much Protein You Need to Eat to Build Muscle

Entering the realm of nutrition can often feel like getting under a bench press for the first time, not knowing what weight to start with and possibly being planted by a barbell & plates. A fundamental aspect of your bodybuilding and fitness journey involves determining the appropriate amount of protein to include in your daily diet. To navigate this aspect effectively, you must factor in various considerations, such as your weight, age, objectives, and how physically active you are.

In this discussion, we will take a deeper dive into the realm of protein recommendations, with a specific spotlight on the guidance provided by the National Institutes of Health. Whether your daily routine tends to be more sedentary or you actively engage in rigorous workouts or demanding occupations, gaining a clear understanding of how to tailor your protein intake to align with your unique circumstances is essential.


How Much Protein Should I Be Eating?

When it comes to figuring out how much protein you require, several factors come into play, including your weight, age, objectives, and activity level. The National Institutes of Health recommends a minimum daily protein intake of 0.36 grams per pound of body weight for sedentary individuals. However, for those engaged in intense workout regimens, physically demanding jobs, or simply have grand fitness goals for building lean, muscular physiques, expert suggest that you might need to up that amount to anywhere from 0.75 grams all the way up to 1.2 grams per pound of bodyweight.


Exploring High-Protein Food Options

Once you have established your daily protein target, the next step is to identify the foods that can help you meet this goal effectively.

The selection of suitable foods largely depends on your dietary preferences, budget, and eating habits. To assist you in this endeavour, we have compiled a list of the favourite high-protein food sources amongst bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts alike, designed to cater to various circumstances. However, it’s important to note that consuming all your daily protein in a single meal may not be the most enjoyable approach. You’ll find it more sustainable and satisfying to have a plan.

If you’re struggling to meet your protein requirements, consider these tried-and-true strategies:

  • Distribute your protein intake across 3-4 well-balanced meals, each containing 20-40 grams of protein.
  • For vegetarians, try to combine complementary proteins as often as possible to create complete protein sources.
  • Incorporate protein-rich snacks into your day, such as nuts, jerky, or a protein-packed smoothie.
  • Post-workout, have a protein shake containing 20-40 grams of protein.

Tip: Achieving your daily protein goals becomes more manageable with the convenience of a protein shake. You can enjoy it as a post-workout treat or use it as a healthy meal replacement anytime.

Calculating the Protein Content in Your Food

Determining the protein content in your food can be accomplished through several methods, such as reading food labels or using a food scale to weigh your portions and referring to online nutritional databases, such as MyFitnessPal.

While initially, weighing your food might seem like a tedious task, fitness coach Vince Del Monte suggests in his article, “From Here to Macros: 4 Steps to Better Nutrition,” that after a few weeks of practice, you’ll become proficient at “eyeballing” both calories and macronutrients.

After successfully pinpointing your daily protein requirements, the next crucial step in your journey toward overall fitness and nutrition excellence is to extend this methodical approach to every facet of your training and dietary plan.

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