How Time Under Tension Can Help You Build Muscles Fast | Alpha Pharm Canada

How Time Under Tension Can Help You Build Muscles Fast

Time Under Tension is a concept that defines why lower weights with perfect form will always trump higher weights with low reps. For many people, gaining muscles and packing on weight seems like using heaviest weights possible, doing 4-6 sloppy reps with compromised form, then taking a quick water break. With Time Under Tension (TUT), the exact opposite activities are involved, which are said to lead to better results.

What is Time Under Tension?

To put it quite plain, time under tension (TUT) is exactly what its name suggests. It’s the term for how long a muscle is under mechanical tension during an exercise. TUT is a seriously intense way to progressively overload a movement, without using any heavier weight to achieve hypertrophy. Its effectiveness stems from the amount of stress and timeframe you put your muscles into, maximizing the strain to promote the same growth effects as otherwise obtained in purely strength-training exercises. Think of TUT like a brand new airfryer versus a greasy deep fryer at your local KFC.


How Should Time Under Tension Be Used?

When aiming to reap the benefits of Time Under Tension, athletes will want to choose a specific rep tempo to proceed into their workout. Control the weight up in an explosive concentric that lasts around 1-2 seconds, hold it at the peak of the motion for 1 second, and lengthen the wind-down movement for as long as possible. 

A good amount of time for a TUT-emphasized eccentric activity is around 3-6 seconds. For extra muscular repair after these strenuous sets, Anavar, an anabolic steroid supplement, can be taken to heal your muscles faster than exercises can strain them. To maximize TUT, you’ll also want to always keep the muscle under tension, which means you should avoid fully ending a particular movement, so that your muscle is constantly working.


What Supplements Can Best Emphasize the Results of TUT?

Ultimately, time under tension is a great technique to use for building more lean tissue. If the goal is to pack on more strength, TUT may not be the exercise you’re looking for. However, if the goal is to build rock solid muscles that can look better and flex harder, Time Under Tension is exactly what you need.

Both Cialis and Superman are great anabolic steroid supplements for increasing muscle growth from TUT. While these are often used as sexual enhancers, the healing properties and durability both supplement provides will help you grind through TUT workouts, rapidly healing your muscles while providing you with the energy for a couple more reps.


Preparing for your Time Under Tension Training

Knowing the benefits and science before how TUT helps athletes build muscles, we recommend you to give it a try. Not only will TUT help reinforce proper form, it also helps pack on lean muscle, which is usually harder to gain compared to general bulking. If you have any questions regarding Time Under Tension, anabolic steroids, or anything fitness related in general, feel free to contact our team – we’re always happy to chat.

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